Resultados: 8

Aspectos emocionais pós-tratamento do câncer de próstata: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

OBJETIVO: Analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura acerca dos aspectos emocionais pós-tratamento do câncer de próstata. MÉTODO: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, cujos dados foram coletados no período de maio a junho de 2013 nas bases de dados LILACS, PUBMED/MEDLINE, CINA...

Oficinas vivenciais: tecnologia leve no cuidado de enfermagem a adolescentes em hemodiálise

OBJETIVO: descrever e avaliar o uso de tecnologia leve como cuidado de enfermagem ao adolescente renal crônico em hemodiálise. MÉTODO: investigação convergente-assistencial com abordagem qualitativa, realizada em uma clínica de diálise de Fortaleza/CE entre fevereiro e abril de 2012. Foram feitas ...

Health education on the prevention of HIV/aids with young male crack users

Texto & contexto enferm; 25 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to promote, through Cultural Circles, a critical and reflective space on the prevention of HIV/AIDS among young crack users. An action research was carried out in 2012 through the Cultural Circle, with ten young crack users. The analysis and interpretation of results fo...

Quality of life in liver transplant recipients and the influence of sociodemographic factors

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (3), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE To verify the influence of sociodemographic factors on the quality of life of patients after liver transplant. METHOD Cross-sectional study with 150 patients who underwent liver transplant at a referral center. A sociodemographic instrument and the Liver Disease Quality of Life que...

Práticas em saúde mental na estratégia saúde da família: um estudo exploratório

Objective: Understanding the procedures, actions and approaches used in mental health in primary care. Method: a qualitative exploratory research developed with two teams from the Family Health Strategy in Juazeiro do Norte-CE, Brazil, between May and June 2009, with the non-participant observation and s...

Risk factors associated with mental health issues in adolescents: a integrative review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 48 (3), 2014
Objective: To identify the risk factors associated with mental health issues in adolescents. Method: An integrative review was conducted in four databases with publications from 2007 to 2013. The terms Adolescent and Mental Health were used to search adequate articles as DeCs/MeSH bases. Results: Publica...

Nurse competencies for health promotion in the mental health context

Acta paul. enferm; 25 (spe2), 2012
OBJECTIVE: To identify the competencies of nurses to health promotion in psychiatric and mental health context. METHODS: Integrative review of literature performed through search using the keywords: "mental health" and "professional competence", in the databases SciELO, LILACS, CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus and...

Profile of women drug addicts treated at the psychosocial care center alcohol and other drugs: documental study

The objective was to trace the profile of women drug addicts treated at the Psychosocial Care Center alcohol and other drugs (CAPSad) in the city of Caucaia - Ceará. Documentary and retrospective study based on information collected from 102 medical records of registered users between 2004 and 2008. The...